Didn't realize how quickly New Year has come. Feels like only yesterday we came back from exhausting 70km trekking around Mt. Ruapehu, however more than a week has passed since then. And during this week we also visited the Far North. But comparing with Round The Mountain track it was much more relaxing pastime. In fact, we did the only track on the very last day not far from Cape Reinga. And it was one of the most beautiful routes I've ever experienced. Anyway, despite the fact that it has already been 5 days, I would like to wish you all a happy new year! Better now than never 😄 Keep reaching the highest goals and never give up! Remember, everything seems to be impossible until it's done! Незаметно в перерыве между изнуряющим 70-км треккингом вокруг вулкана Руапеху и более релаксовым путешествием на самый север Новой Зеландии подобрался Новый 2019-й год, а с ним и новые планы, амбициозные цели, великие свершения. С Новым годом, друзья! И пусть вам будут нипочём перипетии судьбы, смело идите к намеченной цели, с рюкзаком ли за спиной или без; всё обязательно получится!

Теги других блогов: Новый год треккинг Новая Зеландия